Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Grails 1.3.5 Released!

Hi there all you Grails geeks!

Yesterday Grails 1.3.5 was released :) With one small addition from me:

class HomeController {

def index = { }

def save = { LoginCommand login ->
println "login.username: ${login.username}"
println "login.password: ${login.password}"
println "comment.text: ${comment.text}"

redirect action: "index"

class LoginCommand {
String username
String password

This is pretty basic stuff, right? We're creating a command object, giving it as the closure parameter and values from the form (named "username" and "password" get deserialized into this object.
What was missing though is the fact that not all of the form parameters need to be bound to the same command object. In fact there are times when more than one object allows for better re-use and/or separation of concerns.
The elements that need to be deserialized into multiple command objects should be prefixed with command type (by convention).

So "LoginCommand" becomes "login.", "CommentCommand" becomes "comment." and for example "VeryLongAndComplexCommand" becomes "very-long-and-complex.".
  <g:form action="save">
<label for="login.username">Username: <g:textField name="login.username"/><br/>
<label for="login.password">Password: </label>
<g:textField name="login.password"/><br/>
<label for="comment.text">Comment</label>
<g:textField name="comment.text"/><br/>
<input type="submit"/>
class HomeController {

def index = { }

def save = { LoginCommand login, CommentCommand comment ->
println "login.username: ${login.username}"
println "login.password: ${login.password}"
println "comment.text: ${comment.text}"

redirect action: "index"

class LoginCommand {
String username
String password

class CommentCommand {
String text

I know this example is lame, useless and all that but hey - it's just an example :D

The actual prefix for commands is taken from the class name - not the parameter name! Bear that in mind!

I hope you'll like it!

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