Monday, November 29, 2010

Grails, plugins and tags with templates

Hi all,

If you've wondered if it's possible to render a view from a tag I rush to say it is absolutely possible. You just use the render method and specify the template to be rendered like in this example:
class ExampleTagLib {
def example = { attr, body ->
out << render(template: '/tags/example')

Ok, that was easy. However things get a little bit more interesting when we try to do the same thing from within a plugin. The problem here is that the render method tries to find the view to be rendered in the application and not in the plugin.
The remedy to this problem is simple: you need to append the plugin name as a parameter to the render method like this:
class ExampleTagLib {
def example = { attr, body ->
out << render(template: '/tags/example', plugin: 'example-plugin')

Here you can find a ready-to-run example.

Have fun!

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