Friday, May 6, 2011

Sinatra - the power is back!

I honestly don't know what I've been doing for the past 5 years. Really. I've been trying to solve simple problems by learning "corporate" bullshit allowing the really good stuff go unnoticed. But that has changed. I'm a new person now. I'm changed, changed forever.

Today I've been working on my json-rest-api plugin to allow for excluding some properties if you really wanted to. Ok I admit, I needed that in the application I'm writing for the corporate. And so I've been browsing, looking, searching because I somehow knew that something is wrong with the world around me. I couldn't quite tell what it was but it felt like a splinter in my mind that I just couldn't get rid of.

I've stumbled upon Graffiti micro-framework for building web applications in Groovy. I was so amazed with the immediate results it gave me that I started digging deeper and deeper into the roots of where this damn thing came from. And so I found Sinatra...

And the world will never be the same...

Sinatra is a micro-framework giving a DSL style to create simple web applications. Since I'm a windows addict (don't shoot me please!) I needed to find something else than shotgun to do the hot reloading of my app. And so I found sinatra/reloader...

And the world will never be the same...

Fortunately Sinatra is not married with any ORM so I could find a tool that's equally simple and does the heavy lifting of moving data from and to the database for me. And so I found DataMapper...

And the world will never be the same...

At this point I'm after re-writing the application (34 lines of Ruby code!!!) using Sinatra and DataMapper and after deployment on Heroku. It was an experience I'll never forget. It has changed me forever and ever.

I'm a changed man.

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