Saturday, June 23, 2018

Scaffolding a new Vue.js component

I've been working for the past few months on a travel portal rewriting parts of it from old jQuery code to Vue.js - and learning a lot of stuff in the process. One thing that I learned the hard way is that scaffolding that's built in into Vetur is just not for me. It is too simple.

The naming convention we have for our component files is for them to have the same name as the file they exist in. So basically TestMe.vue becomes

  <div class="test-me">

import Vue from 'vue'
import Component from 'component'

export default class TestMe extends Vue {

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.test-me {

Makes sense?

The problem is that having to type this in every time I create a new component (and the number of those grows like creazy!) is tedious. So I finally got to it and created a snipped that works for me:

That's it! You type "sfc", press [Tab] and the component is ready to be worked on by magic of the VS Code templating engine.

The first thing that'll be edited is the name of the exported class. If it is OK then just press [Tab] to move to the name of the CSS class. Edit it if you must then press [Tab] again and you'll be able to select the processor for styles. The next thing that you get to customize is if the styles should be scoped. Once on it either press [Tab] to go with scoped styles or [Delete] and then [Tab] to go without scoped styles. Finally you arrive at the Hello, world! text where the editing of your component begins.

Have a nice day!

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